Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Sharing

AT THE STATE CAPITOL of Florida stands a nativity scene, perfect for the Christmas Holiday(s). Near it will soon stand, if it doesn't already, a metal pole made of beer cans, a commemoration of atheism, and the holiday called "Festivus", which falls on December 23rd. And no, this is not all made up. Its really happening, in your world, your America. Only in America moment? One can hope. The amazing thing is that there is no conflict, no wailing and gnashing, no controversy about it whatsoever, it appears. The Christian sponsors of the nativity scene have a very laid back, free speech, live and let live attitude about the whole thing, much to their credit. Ignore it, maybe it'll go away? The atheists are laughing all the way through their fifteen minutes of fame. Contrast this to the much more culturally conservative state of Oklahoma, at whose state capitol a Ten Commandments display may soon be accompanied by a statue honoring Satan, amid much chagrin and jaw boning. There are differences, of course. The monuments in Oklahoma are permanent, and the displays in Florida only temporary, annually. Also, of course, the Oklahoma situation is a bit more, shall we say, "extreme". But both are a healthy indiction that the United States is heading in the right direction, in terms of religious freedom, tolerance, and equality. And, most importantly, in the direction of maintaining a purely secular government. Just because we now, politically correctly, refer to the Christmas season as the "holiday Season", and the Christmas break as the "holiday break", it doesn't mean that there is a war against Christmas. It really doesn't. Christmas is free to flourish, strong as ever. Only now it must share the stage with other religions, no matter how crazy they may seem. Fortunately, the stage is large.

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