Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Wanting Trump Dead

WHEN DONALD TRUMP descended the golden escalator in Trump tower in the summer of 2015, slandered immigrants, and announced his bid for the presidency, I decided to give him a chance. Fresh blood, a new experience, business acumen. The chance lasted about two weeks. His ceaseless slandering, including calling Ted Cruz "lying Ted", alerted me to his negativity, dishonesty, and cruelty. I knew from the beginning that I would ultimately vote for and support Hillary Clinton, who I still consider the most qualified presidential candidate in American history, who would not only have been a great first woman president, but would have been a great president. Now, of course, we'll never know. "Thou shalt speak no ill of a fellow Republican" spoke the intellectually mediocre but nominally honorable Ronald Reagan. In retrospect, the arguably corrupt Reagan now seems like a saint, much as despised and still despise him, by comparison to you know who. When Trump won the election of 2016 I, like millions of people, was devasted. Somewhere deep down, I still am. Every day during his first administration that Trump remained in office, I grew to despise him more. His constant lies. His criminality. His stupidity. Then, the piece de resistance; the big election lie, the insurrection, and the widespread Republican support of it all. That was when I, a lifelong Democrat, turned my aversion to Trump to outright, abject, unmitigated hatred. That is when my aversion to conservatism and the Republican party turned into venemous, relentless hatred. Just the other day I posted, on an anti-Trump website: "I despise Trump more than John Wilkes Booth despised Abraham Lincoln".Then, after a moment's reflection, and wanting to avoid jail time, I added: "I do not kill". Gotta have that disclaimer. And yes, I meant every word, except perhaps for the no kill clause. The remark, as one might have expected,drew immediate attention,almost all positive, from this band of approximately thirty two thusand Trump haters. It also drew fire from the other side, the dark side. I received he usual death threats, mostly on this website, some in email, some via smart phone texts. Ho hum. Real killers tend not to issue death threats as warnings. I have no idea how these MAGA reprobates always get my ever changing telephone number, much less summon the intelligence necessary to form a complete sentence. On second thought, their death threatening sentences are never complete, nor grammatically correct. More like grade school blather. As we say; "go figure". But again, I mean every word. I want Donald Trump dead, deader than the proverbial door nail. In the long run, I want all of us dead, simply because God seems to, but Trump? Well, he's in a special category. The "man" is..what...seventy eight? Aint that long enough, long enough for who is arguably the most reprehensible piece of garbage of a human being I have ever beheld in my nearly seventy years of life on Earth? The answer, in a nutshell,, is yes. The average life span in these United States, post Covid, stands at seventy six. So, Don the Con has had a fair shot, two years beyond stanard issue. I want him dead, of natural causes, before he ever agin sullies the acred halls and walls of the White House with his ketchup and immoral stench, period. I speak German, at about a middle school level, for years I taught European history, and I plan to visit Germany, as early as next summer. Had I been alive and Germany in the nineteen thirties, I would, at some point, have wanted Hitler dead. I'm not sure when, quite possibly within a few hours of his election to German Chancellor in January of 1933. Definitely before Von Stauffenburg planted a bomb under Der Fuhrer's butt in the summer of forty four, far too late, and succeeded only in partially paralyzing the puritanical tea totaling fink. Assuming that Trump, horror of horrors, manages to serve out his second term, Grover Cleveland like, without putting a pistol to his mouth and pulling the trigger, oh happy thought, five'll get you ten that, like Hitler's cult zombies, the tattered remnants of the MAGA mob will keep their shrines to Trump and putrid red ball caps intact, unto their own ignominious demises. There are still "people" who insist that Hitler wasn't all that bad a guy, had some good ideas, and all that blather. Among them is, predicatably, Donald Trump. So it shall ever be with Trump, and MAGA. It is what it is, as we so insipidly like to say these days. No,I do not kill, which is a far cry from saying that I haven't thought about it, or that I don't want to. I never ever in my life had the faintest idea that I would come to hate anybody as much as I hate donald J. Trump. It doesn't feel good, and is contrary to my nature,but there's no point, at this point, in denying it. I want Donald Trump dead, by any means necessary, preferably by natural causes, preferably by God.

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