Sunday, December 1, 2024

Trump, Destroying the American Government

DONALD TRUMP is evidently determined to destroy the federal government, to which he has always been opposed. Like some teenaged internet junkie on crystal meth, he refers to some imaginary organization he and the other right wing extremists call "the deep state", by which he means nothing than the roughly two million federal bureaucratic employees who work diligently daily to provide the numerous services we the American people demand and expect. They make lower middle class money, and they go home to patriotic families, and for the most part they not only do not conspire to do anything to Trump, the don't even know each other. They are all improtant; their jobs exist for a reason, as stated above. Eliminate even a few thousand of them and the wheels of government turn more slowly and inefficiently; fire a significant portion fo them, the wheels come grinding to a halt, elimate all of them, and we the American people and our government are reduced to anarchy. Replace them with Trump loyalists, and the incompetance of the Trump lackies and lack of experience will have much the same effect. If Trump and his Republican sycophantic Congressional servants dare do this, and what they actually dare to do is considerably less than they arrogantly boast, thankfully, so many millions of Americans will suffer so severely that the blessed downfall of Trump is inevitable. So, for the good of America, maybe it needs to happen. Trump is systematically nominating for positions of power and responsibility people dedicated to the destruction of the agencies and departments for which they, if the Republican Congress approves their nominations as it appears it will, will be responsible. Trump's nominee for the Environmental Protection Agency head insists that there is nothing wrong with the environment, and intends to render impotent the all important E.P.A., and the environmental protections which have been so effective in cleaning up the environment and preventing further damage. His nominee for U.S. Attorney General is a person dedicated to using the Department of Justice not to represent the best interests of the United States, but rather, to attack and destroy the perceived enemies of Trump; in other words, people who have partiicpated in bringing the criminal president elect to justice. Trump's nominee for FBI director is dedicated to the desruction and elimination of the FBI, almost as if he seeks to work himself out of a job. Fully aware of this, what are the current thousands of FBI agents and employees thinking? Were I one of them, I would be thinking that at this point, its either Trump, or me, Trump, or my job, Trump or the law enforcement agency to which I have committed my life and energies. Much as Trump hates the FBI on a personal level, surely there are many within the vaunted Bureau who reciprocate. The greatest threat to American national security, according to the Department of Defense, human made climate change, will be ignored by the Trump administration, which will do nothing to mitigate, reverse, and eliminate it,but will actually foster it by reverting to a policy of encouraging and subsidizing the production and utilization of fossil fuels, oil and coal included. The incoming Trump adminstration is nothing less than a gang of fascist traitors to the United States, just as Trump himself is demonstrably a criminal traitor. The fact that Trump currently enjoys the support of nearly half of the American people changes nothing, it only makes our duty as patriotic Americans more burdensome, which is to remove from office and estroy Trump and his fascist MAGA movement, since Trump, like his role model Hitler, will enjoy some measure of popular support no matter how bad the situation becomes. And, do not doubt that it will become bad, much worse, before it becomes better.

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