Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Raidng Trump

THE FBI NEVER BOTHERS ANYBODY without good reason, despite the best eforts of conservatives to denigrate the agency. Donald Trump didn't say anything about whether the feds messed up his bedsheets or entered and rearragned his closets, but he did say that he was being persecuted for political purposes. Yet another Trump lie, more whining. Admittedly the FBU did, several years ago, harass a good friend of mine over an extended period of time by listing him as a "person of interest" in a string of serial killings, and admittedly that irked me a mite, but, well, they were just doing their job. The FBI never raids anyone's house without probable cause, formalized by the signature of a federal judge. Now we wait to find out whether Trump did indeed violate the law, as the Department of Justice suspects he did, by failing to turn over government documents to the National Archives, and instead spiriting them away to his Florida hovel. Hint: he spirited them away, he broke thelaw; otherwise Merrick Garland would never have sought the signature of a federal judge. Now the entertainemnt commcnces. Better grab your biggest popcorn popper. FOX "news", so I am told, is already "freaking out". We shall shortly be gifted the spectle of not only MAGA Amerca, but conservative America and evangelical America having a, as we say, "shit fit", about poor Mr. Trump, the messenger of chrst, being tormented mercilessly by those rascally liberal Democrats. We will learn that the FBI has been infiltrated by and is full of wild eyed liberals, bent of bringing Trump down. another conspiracy of the left wing media, the DMC, and, for good measure, the Chinese. The notion that Trummp is capable of violating the law, much less being a constant criminal, will never enter their deluded little minds. As the hours passed post raid, the righteous indignation of the right proliferated, stinking and shining like dead mackeral by moonlight. Thus came the calls for investigation of the FBI, the Justice Department, and promises of dire retribution. The members of the sub committee investigating Trump's failed violent attempt to overthrow the American federal government were threatened with jail, in the event that the Republicans capture the majority in Congress. It was pointed out that no former president had ever been treated this way. It was not pointed out that no foremer president has ever organized and orchestrated an insurection agaisnt the United States government. Good pro Trump evangelical Christians, always eager with threats of damnation, threatened to consign Democrats to hell. With regared to hell, they are the experts.

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