Tuesday, August 30, 2022


THE NEXT SEVERAL WEEKS, and beyond, will be a good time to pay close attention to Trump supporters, including our friends, individually and collectively, as they react to Trump's latest, greatest criminal act: stealing documents, including Top Secret documents, from the United States. At the moment, there seems to be a somewhat eerie silence in Trump land, but, hey, how long can that continue? The fact that the affidavit has been released, and that it explains clearly the problem and how to solve it, and the fact that the problem was sovled exactly as laid out in in the affidavit and approved by a federal judge - all this has tended to hush the Trump crowd. their crazy claims that all the material was automatically declassified when Trump touched it, or the crazy lie that the FBI planted the evidence, all the craziness ha been silenced, bu only for the moment, only until conservative america concocts more craziness, more fabrications to explain and justify Trump's treasonous, criminal behavior. Ask any Trump supporter how he or she would react if the FBI raided Obama's or Clinton's house, and found the same material found in Trump's mansion? You might alsmot think that in that event, the conservative hordes would be calling for the immediate arrest, indictment, trial, and execution of Obama or either Clinton. In fact, you know damned good and well they would. This FBI raid, and its results, reveals at least the fourth time that Trump has commited high crimes and felonies against the United States, impeachable, worthy of prosecution, conviction, and incarceration, if not execution. And ecah time his cult followers ignore or justify Trump's treason, thus sinking themselves ever deeper into the moral morass they have created for themselves. The longer Trumpers cling to Trump, the more difficult it will be to finally cast him aside. During September and October and the first week of November leading to the midterm elections, Republican candidates will have to decide whether to continue to base their campaign on their suport of Trump. If they do, they'll have to fabricate more phony justifications for Trump's latest crimes, and more baseless accusations against his prosecutors, and it should result in an amusing if pathetic spectacle.

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