Saturday, April 16, 2022

Trumping, Again

EACH DAY it seems increasingly likely that Donald Trump will indeed run for president in twenty four, base mainly on his own behavior; giving speeches, having rallies, endorsing candidates in G.O.P. primaries, generally staying in the spotlight. By the time the presidential campaign season gets here, Trump may well be facing federal indictments, for example, from the D.O.J., for incitement to seditious insurrection, January 6, 2021. That will matter neither to Trump nor to his supporters, if recent history is any indication. They'll simpley, as always, deny any accusations of wrong doing against their icon as fake news, partly because he will assure them that it indeed is. then too, there is no law preventing an indicted nor indeed a convicted felon from running for and serving as president of these U.S...Trimp's participation might be a blesing for Democrats, including Biden. Trump is obviously the sinlge most pupular and powerful Republican, but his support has slipped a bit, according to surveys. Otehr Republicans, probably many other Republcians, will run for president in twenty four, including running against Trump in the primaries. This will be interesting, to say the least, and could result in division and fragmentation of the republican party. It also appears that Donald Trump intends to expect all his supporters to continue to buy and sell his great election lie, to not drop it, or move one, but rather, to continue to emphasize it, and embraceit as a litnus test of loyalty. That makes the situation even crazier, and perhaps damages the Trump movement and the G.O.P. generally. Pushing back againsts big lie becomes easier over time, as not a shred of evidenc surfaces to support it. Biden's unpopularity will likely motivate many Republicans to run, forcing a reckoning for the Trump movement. Trump's long history of ass kissing, support of, and similarity to Vladimir Putin will continue to cost Trump and the Trump movement, many members of which actually like and support Vladimir Putin and the Russians in their war against Ukraine. It is too late for Trump to separate himself from Vladimir Putin. Just recently he called Putin "a genius, a very savvy man." Trump and his supporters will have to live with, and defend, that. Biden can argue that only things beyond his or any president's control have gone badly, that he and his administration have done all that they possibly could to assist the economy, fight the pandemic, and to model classy behavior, without constant lies, all in stark contrats to Trump. I actualy heard a stong Trump supporter criticize Biden for allegedly lying. That's rich. What a hoot. From teh beginning claimed that if he lost the election, it would only be becuase it was stolen from him. The lie was, and has always been transparently obvious. That is why it is so terribly shocking and disappointing that tens of millions of presumed intelligent, honorable Americans decided to believe it, and still believe it. Knowing full well that it is a lie, they choose to believe it, because soothing their emotions is more important to them than upholding intellectual and moral integrity. What are the Trump supports capable of next? Massing, armed to the teeth, in Washington D.C. and in every other city in America on election day, and electing Trump in twenty twenty four at gunpoint? It isn't all that far fetched sounding, alarmingly.

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