Monday, April 25, 2022

Identifying Traitors

CALLING AN AMERICAN CITIZEN a "traitor" is serious business, will almost always get you into a fight, and therefore demands proof. Knowingly, deliberately attacking and harming your country makes you a traitor. If the Confederate States of America were not the ultimate traitors, then the United States of America, eighty five years prior to The Civil War, certainly were. Both abandoned and made war against their own government. To identify traitors, you take into consideration the words and actions of people towards their own government and country. If the president of the United States refuses to acknowledge and accept his defeat for reelection in a fair and free election, she becomes a traitor, at least to the democratic process upon which the U.S.A. is founded, if not to the U.S.A...If everybody refused to accept election results, democracy couldn't exist. One must never accuse anyone of fraud in a free and fair democratic election without first providing proof. President Trump, with two weeks remaining in office, assembled and motivated a crowd to anger, then told it to "go to the Capitol and fight", his exact words. It did just that. It became a violent mob, and tried, very hard, to violently overturn the election results, and thus to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States, indisputably. Trump and his supporters still largely have the same attitude abput their treason as many southern sympathizers still do about the Confederacy: that their violent treasonous traitorous behavior against the United States was a just and noble cause, which, tragically, failed. They are mostly the same people. The folks who proudly fly the confederate flag invariably still support Trump, and his insurrrection attempt, a noble attempt in their twisted minds to restore justice and democracy to America by defetaing the people who they falsely accuse of stealing the election, whoever they were, Joe Biden, the Democrats, liberals, the Chinese, whomever, it matters not who, anybody will do. Traitors twice over. These people, Trump and his followers, tried to steal the election from Joe Biden, using lies, the court system, violence; any means possible. Nothing was beneath them. it is easy to determine the patriots from the traitors, the good people from the bad, in this surreal scenario. Now, Trump seems to be planning on running again in 2024, and seems to have the full support of his followers, perhaps somewhoat reduced in size, but not necessarily. The Trump movement, incredibly, remains alive and well in America. Accusing seventy five million Americans of being traitors is a strange position to be in. But, unfortunately, it is appropriate, according to simple, unassailable facts. The fact that no matter what Trump does his followers continue to support him as strongly as ever if not more so demonstrates that the Trump movement is more of a "cult" than political movement. To paraphrse Barry Goldwater, extreme opposition to traitors who are seeking political power is no vice.

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