Friday, November 5, 2021

Orchestrating Insurrection, Verifiably

CAROL LEONNIG is a journalist who has coauthored two books about Trump: "A Very Stable Genius", and, "Only I Can Fix It". As the titles imply, neither book flatters its subject. Most books about Trump do not, few do. Leonnig is also spearheading a Washington Post project to research the January 6 Capitol insurrection, to discern who planned, organized, orchestrated it, and how. The U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Justice Department are doing likewise, notwithstanding the Republican party's ongoing attempt to cover up, dismiss, ignore, and grossly misrepresent the causes, effects, participants, and importance of Trump and Trump's supporters' failed attempt to violently overthrow the United States government. "'Tis far better to shine light redundantly than insufficiently, especially on treason. All these investigations will presumably reach and already are reaching the same conclusions as all Americans who are neither delusional nor dishonest. After all, the event was on national television, in livng color, as NBC might say, in high def on flatscreens. To wit: Donald Trump, desperately wanting to illegally retain his position as president, aided and abetted by others, assembled a violent mob, sent it to the U.S. Capitol building for the express purpose of "fighting" for him, meaning to violently overthrow the U.S. government by forcing Congress to reverse the results of the twenty twenty presidential election. While said violent insurrecton was in progress, Trump watched it on television like everyone else, and, like everyone else, did nothing to try to stop it, but unlike anyone else, easily could have. Stopping it was in fact his responsibility and his alone. While so veiwing, Trump was extremely pleased with his violent mob, and said so. Meanwhile, numerous presidential aides and office holder subordinates came to him and frantically tried to persuade him to stop the insurrection, which he refused to do. His refusal makes perfect sense in a sense, since he did not want to stop it, having himself started it. He planned it, arranged it, by inviting the mobsters to come to Washington and by sending them to the Capitol, and also by deliberately disabling everyone and all organizations, such as the National Guard, who could possibly have prevented or stopped it. Presumably, or at leat hopefully all investigations pertaining will eventually arrive at that conclusion, particularly since all sane patriotic citizens long since have. Television tells lies, but not when its live and unplanned. Pictures, a thousand words, and so forth, as we like to say. The conclusion is: Donald Trump is a criminal and a traitor, and should be imprisoned, possibly on death row, for treasonous insurrection. His supporters, before and since, are no better than he, being accessories to insurrection, and thus, traitors.

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