Friday, November 12, 2021

Opposing An Unholy Alliance

THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY and the conservative community in America are two different entities, but they intersect eac hother quite broadly, the nearly uiversal intersection producing the much dreaded Christian conservative community, or "coalition" as it was called in in the early eighties when it started coming together. Conservatism by itself is nearly tolerable, and devout Christianity by itself is barely tolerable. Together, they create a scourge. Secular atheistic conservativm is often accompanied by intense interest in history, especially political and military history, and an intense interest in science and technology, particularly weapons. This secular conservatismha has a well founded, if misguided basis in intellectual scholarship. Christianity without politics can be very appealing, humble, inspiring, comforting. Put the two together and you lose both the intellectual and the compassionate components - the best of each. The combination becomes simplistic nonsense supported by emotion and craven individualism rather than reason and social service. The intellectual and the moral foundations of both are both gone. A combination of conservatism and Christianity in the most ardent, enthusiastic, extreme form of each creates the Klan. Organizations usch as the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, the Aryan Nation, among many others form the spearhead of modern American evangelical Christian conservatism, aka "The Christian right", the complete intersection of political consservatism and Christianity, known as "the far religious right". They all avidly espouse far right politics and virulant Christianity. They tend to be highly nationalistic, anti-immigrant, anti-minority, racist, which is usually concealed and denied by them, pro unregulated capitalism, homophobic. None of these ideologies is healthy or virtuous; none will probably survive long term, assuming society remains fundamemtally healthy, virtuous, and progressive. This white Christian conservative ideology is embodied largely in the Republican party, whose membership forms the botom of the pyramid, a pyramid which grows ever more malignant and harmful as you ascend it. The Republicans realize their need to become attractive to young people and minorities, or perish. The latter might well be for the best. There are still tens of millions of good conservative Christian Americans, overwhelmingling white, solid citizens all, other than their election of Donald Trump and continued support for him, support for his big election lie, and harmful ant-immigrant latently racist attitudes, dismissal of science and reason, and rejection of all reasonable opposition to the spread of Covid 19. Other than a few more flaws like that, no problem. Most Republicans do not attend far right rallies wearing MAGA hats and chanting "Jews will not replace us!", but are obviously sympathetic to those who do. If the Christian community wanted to apropriately become involved in politics, it would embrace the progressive movement, which reflects the message of Jesus at least somewhat, unlike conservatism,, which is teh complete opposite of the "Christian" (Jesus's) ideology. Christian conservatives often pitch angry fits when this idea is even mentioned, yet, it remains true. "Render Unto Casear", "Go thy way, sell everything thou hast, and give unto the poor", are not expressions of the ethic of hard work for personal gain, but rather, are socialistic, hard core entreaties to redistribute wealth. Jesus, above all, wanted people to give help and support to each other, including money. Redistribution of wealth and sharing wealth are, alas, socialistic, not capitalistic, no matter how crazily Christian conservatives try to twist it. Put another way: "You can either follow Trump or Jesus, but not both".

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