Sunday, September 8, 2019

Trump, Trying To Do Good?

WHEN I FIRST HEARD that Trump had cancelled a top secret meeting at Camp David with the Taliban, I quite naturally assumed that the president was, as usual, lying. Why wouldn't I? Why wouldn't anybody? After all, dude has lied close to twelve thousand times since he took office, all twelve thousand of them extremely well documented, on video, audio, paper, you name it, in front of thousands of witnesses. Nearly twelve thousand outright blatant lies, an average of about twenty two a day, or so. What's makes Trump's behavior so incredibly pathological is not merely the frequency of his lies, but rather, their gaudy, outrageous tendency, and the ease with which they are identified as lies, as if Trump simply doesn't care about being caught lying. As if he somehow, strangely, inexplicably wants to be caught lying. The most bizarre current example is Trump's continued insistence that hurricane Dorian might well have hit Alabama, despite the National weather Services's strong denial to the contrary. Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, an on again off again Trump front man, claims that Trump knows exactly what he's doing, and ks deliberately encouraging his opponents to focus on the Alabama hurricane gaffe, distracting from the other major issues which are hurting Trump, such as his refusal to address or acknowledge climate change, and his chaotic border and foreign policy. obviously, this is all nonsense. In no way does the president know what he's doing, because laughing in amazement about Trump's incredible lies, and his defense of them, does no prevent anyone from criticizing his horrible policies, and condemning his indecent behavior. Trump's horrific talk and disastrous policies will continue to garner more than enough attention from the media, and the voters. But apparently, for the first time in history, Trump was telling the truth, and there indeed had been scheduled a secret meeting with the Taliban, which Trump cancelled because of the death of an American soldier in Afghanistan. You just never know. Most diplomacy and foreign policy experts believe that inviting the Taliban to America to negotiate was a stupid idea, because it would legitimize the terrorist group. On the other hand, give old dishonest don some credit for creativity. At least he's trying, or seems to be, to end an endless, idiotic war. I have nothing against conventional wisdom and thinking, but at the same time, I am a firm believer in "thinking outside the box", as Trump obviously did on this occasion. Sometimes progress and results require it.

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