Saturday, June 3, 2017

Drop everything, Listen To Comey

WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING this coming Thursday morning, cancel it, buy a new pop corn popper and a bag of ready-to-pop popcorn, settle in in front of the flat screen, and turn on, oh, CNN. Not FOX, because you never know, on FOX some man attired in business attire is likely to be staring down the dress of some scantily-clad-by-corporate-law thirty year old hottie. (You know about that lascivious network's reputation for sexual predatory behavior by its powerful men.) Former FBI director James Comey is scheduled to testify before congress, at long last, and he's reportedly ready, able, and willing to talk. One can imagine that Comey isn't terribly fond of Donald J. Trump 'long about now, and would like nothing more than to harm the president with facts. Within days after Trump took office, he was calling the FBI and America's intelligence gathering community all kinds of bad names, then, of course, Trump fired Comey for no apparent reason. Comey might indeed testify that at one point Trump asked him (Comey) to stop the FBI's investigation of him (Trump), the one concerning probable contact between the Trump campaign and Russian trouble makers wanting to influence the presidential election. If this actually happened, and Comey testifies to it under oath, Trump could be guilty of obstruction of Justice, the crime for which Nixon was forced out of office and Clinton was impeached. If Trump happens to be removed from office by a congress selflessly trying to save America, we still have the option of urging Trump to continue his middle of the night tweeting, to keep us entertained and laughing. No reason to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Just the other day I heard some people on the radio trying to figure the meaning of a new word they had heard, "confefe". I figured out that it appeared in a nocturnal Trump tweet, which said something like "the news media confefe..." then just stopped, as if the President had confused himself, lost his train of thought, and just given up, a truncated tweet. Not a good idea. Presidential spokespeople have been trying to provide cover ever sense, spinning tall tales having to do with ancient Arabic words and short hand sophisticated political code. Actually, it was a combination typo and brain freeze, presidential. He needs an editor on twitter, a "tweetitor." To help Trump save face, let's define the new word "confefe" as either "nonsense", or "a bit stink about nothing.", accent it on the second syllable with a short "E", and leave it at that.

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