Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Being A True Christian By voting For Trump, Somehow

I REALLY SHOULDN'T BE SURPRISED. The number of possible states of mind, atomically, is so infinite that nothing anyone ever does should surprise us, mentioned the late great Carl Sagan. In a small town in America's deep south, one really shouldn't expect the senior citizens to be worldly, sophisticated, intelligent, or even wise with age. One might expect a touch of provincial traditional, and resistance to change. Dumber'n doornails is what they often are. If you don't believe in evolution or man made climate change, excuse me, then you're dumber'n,... Consider, for example, the eighty year old who is one hundred pounds overweight, lives one block from the senior center, yet has the center send a driver to pick him up and take him home very day. There's no way this guy can live much longer, considering all that, so I need to go easy on him. He hates me, but I need to make sure I don't waste the time and energy hating him, even though he allegedly said that any true Christian would have voted for Trump. A very reliable source told me that he actually said this, and I believe it, knowing him. He's like that, as many of them are, and they all hate me, like true Christians, because they know I spurn their phony religion and phony politics. They tend, overwhelmingly, to believe only that which is in the Bible, a truly disastrous choice, in terms of factual awareness. Why are extremely right wing conservatives who also happen to be extremely devout Christians always so extremely stupid? All you true Christians out there who voted for Hillary, Ted Cruz, or anybody other than Trump, be advised; you are not a true christian, according to Big Harold in Northwest Arkansas. If I were a devout Christian and a democrat, I'd be offended. OMG, can you just imagine how many other similar buffoons there must be in the United States of Abject Ignorance? Judging by the fact that Trump got elected; millions, mostly evangelical Christians. Trump, the embodiment of Christian values. The christian billionaire, who neither renders unto Caesar nor gives unto the poor. The Bible tends to teach us to treat women like chattel property, and yet, somehow, bragging about being a serial sexual predator seems not very,..Jesus like....way to go, big Harold. You're so brilliant.

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