Thursday, June 23, 2016

Naming Radical Religious Violence, by Whatever Name

JUST FOR THE RECORD, Muslims, overwhelmingly, do not like the term "radical Islamic terrorism". Are you surprised? Do you care? If you doubt this, just ask around - in the Muslim community, of course. Its not as hard as you may think, they do not live on some other planet. What you'll find is, if you take the trouble to find out, of the world's approximately one point two billion Muslims, approximately one point two billion of them will tell you that, yes, they hate the term "radical Islamic terrorism", because it conveys the impression of terrorism being associated with the entire Islamic religion, when in fact it is only a tiny minority of people who distort and subvert the religion for their violent purposes, and thus are not true Muslims any longer, if they ever were, which is doubtful. Islam condemns terrorism, just as much as any other faith, including Christianity. Obama does not want to anger the entire Islamic religion, by associating it with terrorism, Obama wants Muslims on our side, its that simple. What's so hard to understand about this? The conservatives who complain about Obama not using the expression "radical Islamic terrorism" hate Obama so much that they will complain about anything they can think of. When is the last time you heard a conservative American Christian refer to the Ku Klux Klan as a "radical Christian terrorist" organization? Ever? Not. And make no mistake, radical Christian terrorism is exactly what the Klan is, and is tacitly supported by all who do not call it what it is. One would at least expect to hear the mainstream conservative Christian community expel the Klan from the christian faith, and to remind us that Klan members are not true Christians, but you don't. They seem content to permit Klan folk to retain their Christian veneer. Overall, the world's Muslims have done a much better job of condemning the terrorism associated with their faith, and of expelling terrorists from the faith who use the faith to support violence.

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