Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Capitalizing Christ

GO THY WAY, and sell whatsoever thous hast, and give unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, - - - and the poor shall have money, and shall become consumers, and shall thus expand the consumer base, and increase demand, which will stimulate production, aka supply, and the economy and prosperity will grow for all. You hard core Christian conservatives, and you know who you are, really don't need to go to all that trouble that y'all go to trying to twist and force the teachings of Jesus into a free market capitalistic ideology. The two just don't mix. So quit trying. Quit living a contradiction, a lie. Don't force, expand! You have to actually add something pro capitalistic to the words of Jesus, extrapolating that if you follow his teachings, and redistribute wealth, you create a demand side trickle up economy, with rising prosperity starting at the bottom of society, and working its way up. This, you might notice, is the exact opposite of traditional neo-liberal supply side trickle down Reaganomics to which Americans conservatives, even Christians, are so devoted. But what else is new? American conservative Christiandom generally has everything else backwards, or just plain old wrong, so why shouldn't miss their chance at extrapolating the teachings of Jesus, and keeping His socialism, instead of denying the communistic Christ, living their double life, as Christians, and cut throat get rich profit seeking capitalists. Don't deny that Jesus was a socialist, not a capitalist. Instead, surmise that he might have approved of capitalistic activity, so long as it benefited all, rather than a small elite super wealthy few.

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