Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Protecting Capitalism From Itself

SO, OBAMA WANTS TO , or says he wants to raise the minimum wage from seven twenty five to nine per, and more power to him. Maybe he wants the republicans to vote it down, and himself still get credit for trying.  Boehner says it will place a burden on employers, and cost jobs.

Well, no shit, sherlock. Anytime you pay somebody to work, even pennies, you cut back on the number of people who can work for you, since paid labor is more expensive than slave labor or volunteer labor, and one can only afford to pay so much, and retain high profits. With slave or volunteer labor, one can employ laborors in infinite numbers.

Teddy Kennedy advocated a ten dollar per hour minimum wage at least twenty five years ago, at which time it would have been appropiate. Back then it sounded a bit extreme, but not now. Without minimum wage law people in america would be working for ten cents an hour, until the revolution.

Conservatives often use the bogus argument that minimum wage hurts workers, because the value of their labor on the free market is greater than minimum wage. OK then, raise minimum wage, to make sure market conditions are enforced.

Obama conveniently waited until his second term to make this minimum wage proposal; heaven forbid that he advocate for the workers during his first term, when the republicans still had a fighting chance to get rid of him by attacking him as a "socialist".

Bear in mind that in a truly free market economy, there would be no minimum wage law, no social security, no medicare or medicaid, no bankruptcy law, no corporations, no patents. All the above are artificial  socialistic inventions, using government to prop up capitalism...

a corporation is a legal fiction; a legal individual... put a body into...a means of placing a protective barrier between business owners and the business itself, of transferring risk  of business failure to society in general and away from those responsible, government sponsored socialistic insurance protection for big capitalistic business.

all this socialistic government regulation of capitalism keeps capitalism from devouring itself in ruthless competition. But who knows, it may do that anyway, eventually.

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