Monday, February 11, 2013

The Pope and Michael Jordan

CONGRATULATIONS  are in order for pope benedict the sixteenth upon the completion of an excellent theological career, and it is to be hoped that he thoroughly enjoys his retirement. Heaven only knows he deserves it.

And congratulations are also in order for his having to good sense to retire, rather than subject himself to the strenuous rigors of the papacy any further, especially with the advent of the easter season.

He deserves a lot of respect for not staying in the papacy until death even though every other pope for the last six hundred years, and nearly every pope since peter has done so. It seems perfectly reasonable for a person to humbly pass the torch to a younger, healthier, more energetic leader.

It seems noble, humble, and dignified. When he became pope, he remarked that he would not be there long. Perhaps he has been there longer than he thought he would be. Pope john paul the second, who preceded him, made the heartwarming comment "If i make a mistake, just corrrect me."

benedict personified this noble, humble attitude, of the pope as a human bieng, a humble servant of the lord, and not some high and might monarch and powerful political leader. May he enjoy his remaining years.

Its remindful of michael jordan, when he decided to play professional baseball, and give up his sensational basketball career for two years. Very courageous, adventuresome, admirable. Jordan won three NBA championships, played baseball, not very well, for two years, then returned to basketball and won three more championships. Incredible.

Pope Benedict has shown courage and creativity, just like jordan did. And Benedict the sixteenth and michael Jordan have something even more admirable in common: they are both winners.

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