Tuesday, November 6, 2012


IF YOU CARE who wins the presiedntial election, which perhaps not enough americans do, waiting for the outcome on election night is rather similar to watching your favorite team in the super bowl, or the seventh game of the world series. Stressfu. Stressful, but, somehow, exhilarating.

Exhilarating because you were there, you may lose, but you were there, and 'tis better to've lost than never to've played in the big game. Remember that the next time your favorite team is in the super bowl, and losing.

After the preparation, the build up, it is a relief that its finally coming to a climax, ending. Tomorrow will be the let down, for the losers, and the disbelief, and hope for fear of the future for the winners.

Is it really possible that a guywho inherited millions of dollars, considers half the american people slackers, and rips apart businesses for a living, can get enough votes from poor americans to become president? So it would seem, though one might want to wonder why. Verily it takes the votes of many a po folk to elect anyone, in this land of teeming poor, and mitt has thus tried to appeal to the poor...

...with conservatism, which aint easy to do. A republican in massachusetts must moderate and flip flop to succeed. Mitt does that well, and it may win him the white house. convince people that they'll be better off keeping their money in the private sector, and going it alone economically, and, as if by magic, conservative, leave everything alone economics sounds tempting.

If tens of millions of americas truly believe that mitt romney has ever had any core value other than self enrichment, they deserve whatever they get. The only way to create less povety and more equality is to regard all workers as more equal in value, and treat them accordingly, redistribute wealth, or both, neither of which mitt admits.

maybe we'll even find out whether america's forty million citizens in poverty are better off with socialistic government health care, or the free market. it should be interesting...

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