Seeking truth through diverse,openminded expression,explaining america to the world
Friday, January 17, 2025
Humanity, Committing Suicide
IT CANNOT BE REPEATED often enough that compared to climate change, the United States, and the entire world, do not have any significant issues, including the threat of nuclear war, disease, famine, war, and all the rest. They all pale, compared to climate change caused by global warming caused by human acivity, namely, the burning of fossil fuels. Simply high school chemistry explains it. Those who passed it understand climate change, those who did not take or pass chemistry do not understand climate change, generally. And being human, their lack of understanding often causes them to deny its existence, which is not only a complete travesty, but truly tragic. The reality of climate change, and its disastrous consequencs, is now with us, glaringly. And over tht next few years, its going to get much much worse, fast. With Trump coming to power in three days, the United States is on the verge of greatly increasing its production and consumption of fossil fuels, which already are at an all time high. To save the nation and th eplanet wht we must do is to drasticallly decrease and eliminate our use of fossil fuels, fast. The election of Trump, from this very reasonable point of view, begins to appear like societal suicide. Those of us who took high school chemistry must band together and force Trump and the MAGA-Republican-conservative criminally insane mob to reverse course, to accept the reality of climate change and of our desperate situation, and to work with us to solve the problem. We must convince the religious fanatics that we can't wait around doing nothing and waiting for the lord to return and take care of everything, and we must convince that science deniers that the climate will not someday suddenly, magically, take care of itself, and, as Trump says "change back" to how it was before. By allowing Trump and his forces to take power in the United States we the American people are effectively commiting suicide, and taking the rest of the world with us. Every yer is hotter than the previous year. That is now a fact of life on planet Earth, and it is not going to change. Without some drastic change in our behavior the global temperatures will keep rising until Earth is uninhabitable for humans, and for most other species of life, if not all species. Maybe withan a year or two or three technology will provide a way to remove carbon from the atmosphere in huge quntities. Removing about a trillion tons of carbon from the air we breathe would indeed end human made climate change. The question is whether we can learn how to do that in time, or at all. We certainly cannot afford to assume that we can and will in the near future, any more than we can rely on Jesus or God to come to Erath and save us, or take to heaven the saved while the bulk of humanity remains on Earth to suffer and die in suffocating carbon dioxide and five hundred degree heat while those who are saved rejoice in heaven. Those of us who understand high school chemistry and global warming must make our voices heard, now, thunderously, in unison. We must force the climate deniers in power to abandon their mass insanity - because that's ultimately what climate chagne denial is. Trump and his mob are on the verge of destroying, removing all protections for the environment put in place by Biden and previous governments, and to embark on a project to kill us all with fossil fuels. We must save ourselves, even if it means destroying them.
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