Monday, June 13, 2022

Facing, and Changing the Facts

A DECENT KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING OF HISTORY clearly, glaringly shows us how extraordinarly greedy, fearful, aggressive, and violent we humans truly are. Current events only firm this. An estimated fifty to one hundred Ukraininas are dying per day in Putin's War; god only knows how many Russian kids are dying in combat. Then too there are the substantial civilian casualties caused by indiscriminate Russion bombing and missile strikes, and also very discriminate strikes, with Russian bombs and missiles being aimed directly at Ukrainian civilians. The future looks bleak, a world of constant turmoil, conflict and violence, wars over scarce resources while climate change makes daily weather crazier and more extreme for everyone every year, killing millions of people and devestating human economic systems and civilization. Is there any hope? Do we have any hope? We do, if we make it. Every day more and more solar energy is being used globally. Humanity is awakening to the urgent necessity of planting at least one trillion trees over the next few years. The air in cities like Los Angeles and New York is cleaner than it was fifty years ago, and the air in London is much cleaner than it was a hundred and seventy years ago. The first efforts are being made to clean up the world's oceans, and to stop polluting and killing them. Over the cdnturies and decades, huan being seem to be getting slowly but steadily less warlilke and violent, believe it or not. The crime rate in America, for instance, is far lower today than it was sixty years ago when I was five years old and allowed by my parents to run all over the neighborhood at nearly all times of the day, unsupervised, with neither cell phone nor computer chip attached to my body. There are strong indications that we the human "race" are willing and able to create and utilize the technology necessary to eradicate pandemics and disease, andthat humanity has already conceived of and in many instances begun to implement solutions to all existential human problems. It does not seem unreasonable to suggest that reversing climate change and solving the environmental crisis would be better facilitated if everyone on Earth aknowledged the problem, and determined to contribute to the solution. Denying climate change slows us down in solving it. On the issue of climate change, there isn't much room for compromise or the "middle ground". Either climate change is real, and an emergency, or it is not real, and not an emergency. Crime, migration, economic disasters and turbulance, problems such as these can be remedied with societal will power and intelligence, leading to safe, effective, reasonable solutions. I most instances, alleged facts are either true or not; truth, whenever possible, shan and must be confronted, disarmed, and stopped. All good hearted moral people agree with this, and will cooperate. Those who continue to spread nonsense will lose favor societally. Its all up to us.

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