Monday, March 14, 2022

Nabbing the Perps

AT LONG LAST we have a criminal conviction for a Trump insurrectionist. It certainly has taken long enough, more than a year. May there be many more to follow; hundreds, thousands, if there is true justice in America. The ultimate goal of justice remains, of course, Trump, indicted, convicted, incarcerated. From what I saw on national television, that's the very least we should expect. For a president of the United States to try to overthrow the United States government by stealing an election as well as by inciting a violent insurrection is worthy of the death penalty, according to the constitution. May justice prevail. The first conviction by trial, with a non guilty verdict was issued, appropriately enough, to the leader of the infamous white supremacist group "The Proud Boys". Others, including the crazy guy with the horns and multicolored hair, have already pleaded guilty, and are serving time. Among conservatives, these two over the top thugs, and all the other insurrectionsists who have been arrested and charged so far, were, and remain, if not heroes, than harmless. Crusaders for justice, being harassed by the establishment, "the establishment" being the progressive movement, the Democratic party, the mainstream media, of whaever and whoever else crazy mainstream conservative Trumpers can delude themselves into believing. This continued support for violent traitors by conservative community, as well as its continued support for Trump and for the whole malignant Republcian agenda, clearly demonstrates the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of contemporary Amerian conservatism, as has been indicated repeatedly recently. Its worth mentioning, repeatedly, and worth opposing, aggressively. The fact that upwards of three fourths of American evangalical Christian conservatives still support Trump is beyond shocking. They want a straight up criminal to return as president, pathetically. The mere fact that Christian America ever supported Trump in the first place, let alone throughout his entire corrupt presidency, let alone after Trump's violent insurrection of Januaryy 6, 2021, speaks volumes about the hollow hyprocisy of this segment of the population. By comparison and contrast, America's progressive Christian community, with its opposition to Trump and the Republican agenda, is composed of good, solid citizens, patriots, paragons of virtue. Progressive Christians understand well that modern American conservatism, in its extreme form exemplified by the Trump movement, is antithetical to the message of Jesus Christ, and the basic message and teachings of Christianity. Evangelical christians would be far better off, in terms of their moral standing, if they would retain their fundamental religious views, and diametrically change their political ones. Having said that, neither do we as civilized humans want a society or a religion which condemns gay and transgender people for being who they are, and celebrates the gospel of wealth rather than the message of Jesus, who not only was a hard core believer in redistribution of wealth, but embraced voluntary poverty as well.

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