Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Celebrating A First Anniversary

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY, according to National Public Radio, the electoral college results were fully formally verified. by that, I assume is meant that on Dec. 14, twenty twenty, all fifty nifty states completed their certification process, bringing the formal final totalt to 308 for Biden, and 206 for Trump, or whatever, if memory serves. An important day for us all, but not nearly as important as the infamous january 6, twenty twenty one, a day which will live in infamy, the day on which the House of Representatives met in the House chamber in the capitol building, and formally shouted out, state by state, their electoral college results, sealing the deal, even as lame duck lame brained president Trump tried to stop the process and overthrow the governent, unsuccessfully, despite much window smashing, door breaking, and violenc insurrection by a violent mob of typical conservative Republican Trump supporters. Tempest fugit, and all that. Hard to believe its been a whole year since the uproar. Even harder to believe is that nothing much has changed since. Trump still spouts blatant lies, his morally bankrupt cult followers still believe every dishonest word, and the American conservative movement remains intellectually and morally bankrupt, in the form of the Republican party. Albeit painstakingly slowly, the forces of justice are closing in. Mark Meadows changed his mind, presuabely when Trump's goons "persuaded" him too, but not until he had already given to the HOuse subcommittee a bundle of proof of what everyone already knows; that Donald Trump organized and instructed a violent mob to overthrow the government. Like many other people, I have lost many friends over the whole Trump thing. I don't know what others think, but what I think is that the friends I've lost weren't worth keeping. I always avoid talking politics with them, they always bring it up, and I always walk away, without coming back. If you call the January insurrection "harmless", or a "hoax', you're a traitor and a reprobate, and I'm done with you. Its now easier to understand how in the world the American Civil War could have happened, and how Adolph Hitler could have come to power. What we have now in the U.S. could easily be described as a civil war in slow motion. Trumpers versus good Americans. The Trumpers are the anti-vaxxers, the ones responsible for the ongoing viral slaughter of Americans, now raching eight hundred thousand and heading towards a million. Why would any decent person want to friends with people like that?

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