Monday, May 10, 2021

Attacking America, From the Right, Part II

IN AMERICA TODAY, there is a vicious assault on core American values and culture by the infamous nefarious conservative Christian community, specifically, the cult of Trump, which ironically, perversely fancies itself the defender, not the destroyer of traditional American cultural values. the defender of traditional American values. Trump, with his big election lie, and his followers, by their uncritical acceptance of the lies, are motivated by the same anger which elected Trump, and refuses to accept the reality of his defeat and rejection by America's true moral majority, the secular middle and left. The various areas on which the assault is underway include; voter rights, gay and transgender rights, racism and police reform, economic regulation, gun control, freedom of speech and assembly, among others. The assault is broad based, state and local, well funded and organized, must be completely dismantled and defeated, and will be, simply because it isn't what the majority of Americans want. It is in fact the dying gasp of a dying political movement and political party. IN a nutshell, literally, the Mara Lago loonies want to make it harder rather than easier to vote, they want to essentially outlaw protests against systemic racism, they want to eliminate religious diversity and make the Christian religion government sanctioned official, as well as severely limit gay and transgender rights, to deregulate unfettered capitalism, to militarize the police, scale back gun control, and to well arm white Christian America. One nation, made great again, under Trump. American society is steadily, inexorably advancing towards greater cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, and white Christian America is shrinking, numerically, and as a percentage of total population. This is simply an irrefutable fact. Within a few years, white Christian America will be but one of many pluralistic minorities, comprising less than fifty percent of total population. And that is precisely the problem, the cause of all the conservative anger, discontent, craziness, and Trump. The white Christian white has decided that there is a "war against Christianity" being prosecuted by murky forces of conspiracy, maybe involving the mainstream media, liberals, and Democrats, the usual suspects. That, plus a slow motion genocidal war against white America, brought about by unrestricted immigration, and the usual suspects. The likely far future, or maybe not so far,  in which a minority of dark and light skinned people are immersed within a moderately skin toned majority  humanity, with billions of individual systems of religious belief drowning out mass organized dogmatic religions, must seem to the Christian white right, utterly repugnant, unthinkable. Such are the sorrows of being among the last of a dying breed.

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