Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Moving Location and Truth

THE REPUBLICANS planned to hold their Trump coronation in Charlotte, then moved it to Jacksonville, then back to Charlotte, like any travelling minstrel show. Finally acquiescing to reality, they decided not to will the arena, and to occasionally wear masks and wash hands. Unable to generate a party platform which makes any sense, they settled for the one they used in 2016; one set of lies and false promises is about as good as any other, they reckon. Trump is running as if it were four years ago, and his one hour speech was appropriate for a man lost in a time warp. Most of it was devoted to denigrating the post office, and warning that dire consequences would result if millions of Americans vote by mail, as he does. The great prevaricator is laying the groundwork for a contested outcome and another coup de tete, perhaps with Russian assistance, in the event that Joe Biden is elected. That's exactly the sort of inspiring speech the American people need to hear from an incumbent president accepting his nomination to run for another term; a thirty minute diatribe against the postal system. The other Republican speakers are busy filling their poorly educated party members with the usual lies about socialism, who practices it, what it is, and whether it works. Just as they magically transform themselves into Christians, they magically transform politically moderate Joe Biden into a radical left wing socialist, ready to sign the country over to Castro and Mao. The usual nonsensical garbage; Biden will turn the country into a socialist state, with complete government control over the economy, it will be a disaster, blah blah blather. Socialism never works anywhere, the biggest lie of all. They always leave out teh part where the United States is a socialist country, and long has been, what with social security, medicare, medicare, public roads and highways, public schools, and the list continues, longer than you might think. Publicly owned, not for profit socialism, not privately owned, for profit capitalism, as in business enterprise.The conservative capitalistic Republicans always leave out the part about Europe, and especially Scandinavia, being highly socialized, even more so than the USA, and quite wealthy and successful to boot. the most important part they leave out is about how the American economy under Trump has collapsed with the weight of the uncontrolled virus; they actually have the audacity, hilariously, to about what they call a 'strong economy". thirty million million people out of work, living on socialistic government welfare and socialistic unemployment benefits, a healthy economy inherited from Obama ruined by a president who refuses to take a catastrophic epidemic seriously. These lying morons move the truth more rapidly than they move the site of their prevarication festival, the Republican national convention.

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