Sunday, August 11, 2019

Excuse Mongering, the Right Wing Way

THE LITANY OF LAME EXCUSES being offered by the conservative community to explain America's ongoing mass murder epidemic sounds like the punch line to a bad joke. Mental illness. Video games. Homosexuality. The removal of prayer from public schools. There are others, too stupid to even mention. Anything and everything except the hard, cold, naked, and all too obvious truth. The conservative community is, after all the gun loving community, what Gore Vidal used to call the "Jesus, Guns, and Money" crowd. In this context, right wing pro Trump evangelical America will do all in its power to protect the reputation, status, and imagined benefit and harmlessness of firearms, while throwing a bit of its twisted morality and religious values into the mix for good measure. The precise causal connection between the gay and LGBTQ movement and mass murder has never been, and never will be nor can be, delineated. There simply isn't one. The precise cause and effect between omitting organized public prayer in public schools, based on a 1962 Supreme court ruling, and the slaughter which has been ongoing in America for the past generation has never been articulated logically, because it cannot be. No connection exists, obviously. There is never any science or common sense to support nonsense. Meanwhile, the real primary causes of this national nightmare are as obvious to those willing to see them as are our other national problems. A socio-economically Darwinistic culture which [its people against people, producing winners and losers, and millions of permanently angry, alienated Americans. Pervasive poverty in the world's wealthiest nation. Racism, sexism, you name it, we Americans perpetuate every form of institutional hatred known to humanity. WE have created in America an angry, alienated, aloof citizenry, from which there issues forth a seemingly never ending supply of desperate people, who have decided to quit, to leave it all behind, and to take as many as possible with them. We even went so far as to elect a head of state and congress which willfully embraces these twisted values, if only tacitly, passively. And, according to the experts themselves, the mass murderers, their most effective inspiration comes directly from the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. They say so, in tweet posts, social media statements, lengthy manifestos, over and over again, they make it perfectly plain for all to see: Donald Trump is their inspiration in committing mass murder, as they try to contribute to what they consider Trump's highest priority; the elimination of non white minorities. We have a racist, angry, hate spewing president, with millions of followers, some of whom are tragically willing, able and ready to bring his twisted agenda to full fruition. People kill people, when they have decided to abandon all hope, and when they have the help of a fully automatic assault rifle. Make no mistake: the arrogance, aggressive, angry, alienated sector of America producing the hate crimes is the far right. The far right is the home of white supremacy and racism, and is angry about encroaching American multiculturalism, immigration, the movement for LGBTQ equality, and all the fuss liberals are making about climate change, which conservatives would rather ignore. Liberals like and support immigrants, multiculturalism, gay people, gun control, and economic reform to fight inequality and climate change; they are the positive one,s not the angry ones. The problem(s), my fellow Americans, is on the right, with its twisted "make America white again" agenda, and its constant lies.

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