Friday, August 31, 2018

Why People Voted For Trump.

THERE ARE THREE BASIC, GENERAL REASONS why people voter for Trump, as explained recently by a conservative republican member of the Senate. For and foremost is hatred of Hillary Clinton. After a quarter century front and center, Hillary had become the ultimate Washington insider, and a liberal to boot. Secondly, Trump would certainly appoint conservative to the Supreme Court, who would overturn Roe v. Wade, and make Christianity the official religion of the United States. Third, Trump was seen as an outsider, a new gun slinger, free of Washington incestuous connections, who would shake up the establishment, drain the swamp. Each of these reason sis understandable, but each is entirely bogus, and taken together do not justify a vote for Trump. Like her or not, Hillary Clinton was the most qualified person in American history to run for president, including them all, from George Washington to George Bush. As Casey Stengal use to say: you could look it up. check their respective resumes, all of them, and compare. What other basis of comparison can there objectively be? Being shrill, cold, aloof, arrogant, or female, greedy, and ambitious, or whatever else one might think she is, does not disqualify her. And bear in mind that she has no criminal record, nary a parking ticket nor overdue library book. Again, look it up. Chanting "lock her up" in unison with a ranting demagogue, as a matter of fact, does not constitute due process. Senseless, hateful group ranting is not evidence, indictment, trial, and conviction. With regard to Supreme Court nominees, political ideology, whether liberal or conservative, is not an appropriate qualification for judicial service, although the conservative community seems to have long since forgotten that obvious fact. The appropriate qualification is a long, strong record of having dispensed wisdom and equal justice under law, independently of ideological considerations. Drain the swamp? Trump? Really? Surely you jest. With each passing day he digs it deeper, murkier, replacing the old swamp water with a new, more abundant supply. So long as political offices and policies are purchased by billionaires in America, the swamp shall remain full, regardless of who the president is. So go the reasons for voting for Trump. Reasons not to? The Access Hollywood tape, pathological dishonesty, persistent attacks against the FBI, the Justice Department, the media. Vicious slander of critics. Likely collusion with a foreign power to get elected. Numerous business conflicts of interest. (read Richard Painter). Illegal use of money to influence election outcome. Trade wars with traditional strong allies of the U.S.. Failure to order Putin in person to stop meddling in American politics. Refusal to fight climate change, listed by the Department of Defense as the single greatest to American national security...etc., etc....

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