Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Paying For "National Defense", in the Era of Empire

IN OUR NEW NATIONAL BUDGET, the one we as well as our children's children will pay for, like it or not, conservative republicans, who proudly proclaim their devotion to fiscal responsibility during the Obama administration, voted for a set pf expenditures which will explodes this year's deficit, and increase the national debt by trillions, well beyond the current twenty tril now owed by the U.S. government, and therefore, by us. A large part of this is for the military, what many, especially conservatives, blithely and laughably refer to as "national defense" National defense it aint. We had that covered long ago. What increased military expenditures mean now is "national offense". A one point five million member military, fourteen aircraft carriers, thousands of nuclear bombs loaded onto planes and submarines, and missile, all ready to launch at a moment's notice - it would appear that America is quite well 'defended", and has been for a very long time, since at least World War Two, if not before. American military might is intended, now, and has been for a long time, to be able to project, exert, utilize, and exploit military might to coerce, conquer and occupy, in pursuit of America's "national security interests", as it is blithely called. America's national security interests include, first and foremost, making the world safe for American corporate expansion and control, and making the world into a place wherein American will an be imposed, at will. Welcome to the American empire, which came into being either in 1776, a846, 1898, or 1950, take your pick, depending on your particularly interpretation of events and their meaning. The last time American military spending was increased for "defensive" reasons was shortly after December 7, 1941. Since then, its all been about empire.

1 comment:

  1. C'est bien d'en parler et d'entendre quelque chose de nouveau.

    De Aikon - Slide plus www.aikondistribution.fr
