Thursday, July 23, 2015

The American People, Protecting Their Military

ALL ACROSS THE FRUITED PLAIN, citizen vigilantes, quite well armed with guns, patriotism, and conservatism, are hovering near military recruiting stations, guarding our men in uniform. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? What's wrong with this picture? Maybe just another of those "only in America" thingies. We proudly do everything backwards in this country anyhow, so, why not? We drive on parkways, and park on driveways. Are all the volunteers republicans? Tea partiers, perchance? Remnants from the old militia movement from the pre Timothy McVeigh nineties? Just askin'....Who knows, the movement might grow, might come to include everybody, including myself. I can see me now, dressed in camo with eye black, beret, and sunglasses, waving an AK47 at strangers while keeping an eye on the table nearby where sit members of the US Marine Corps, fully uniformed. Much as I like this image, there is just something wrong with it, but I don't quite know what. Like, suddenly waking up and finding that I live in Cuba, or North Korea. One can imagine a huge mob of American patriots, armed to the teeth, milling and surging through every mall in suburbia, ready for trouble, even if they have to start it themselves. Wouldn't it just be easier to give the military recruitment people weapons of their own? No, that would be too easy, far too sensible. Almost as sensible and therefore unacceptable as using the American military to do its original job; defending the country, including particularly its own borders.

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