Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Epitomizing Arrogance, the Senator Inhofe Way

HOW MANY MORE TREES would it take to absorb the millions of tons of carbon that humans have injected into Earth's atmosphere, and replace it with fresh air? One per person (7 billion)? A trillion, perhaps? The carbon in the air is easily measurable. Its there, all right. Its there twenty four seven. Carbon absorbs heat. What part of that do we not understand? Every high school chemistry teacher in the world acknowledges global warming/climate change, because every high school chemistry teacher understands basic chemistry. And every high school biology teacher knows the same thing, that the extra carbon is there, doing its thing, and that as long as we keep putting it there it won't go away, and that the more trees we plant, the better our chances of survival. Senator Inhofe (R Oklahoma) says that global warming alarmists are arrogant, arrogant because they have the audacity to think that we puny little ole humans can possibly, with our weak and puny activities, have an impact on the environment. Perhaps the good Senator should consider the effect that simultaneously igniting every atomic bomb in the world would have; namely, nuclear winter. In theory, we puny humans can do a lot of damage. In practice, that's exactly what we;re doing; a lot of damage, possibly too-late-to-be-reversed damage. What if we started spraying tons of sulphuric acid into the atmosphere, using hundreds of cargo planes, spewing twenty four seven, for years? Again, human imposed permanent winter. (but if we did a little spewing on purpose, it might block out just enough heat to remedy climate change) You wanna see arrogance, Senator Inhofe? Arrogance is living in a world in which every high school chemistry teacher, every high school biology teacher, and every trained scientist who isn't being paid by some corporation or conservative political action committee tells us, decade after decade, that we are seriously harming this planet - and not believing them. You really think you know more about environmental science than the environmental science scientific community? That, Mr. Senator, is the epitome of arrogance.

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