Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Gift Rejecting Post Christmas Regifting Blues

THERE HOUSE BURNED DOWN, with everything in it, including their exercise machines. I thought I was being a hero, giving them a "Total Gym" fitness machien for Christmas. I wan't using it much anyway, and they had expressed sadness that theirs had burned up. It was a hassle loading it into my car, driving it over to their temporary home, a storage shed, right next to the pile of rubble that used to be their lovely home. but doing it made me feel good. Isn't that the right reason to give somebody something? Or, is it....a few days later they called and explained that they really couldn't accept teh "loan" of teh Total Gym, becaue tehy didn't have room for it, and anyway, they weren't inclinede to use it just not; they had other things on their minds, like what to do, where ti love, how to rebuild. Simple stuff like that. They went to the trouble of loading the bulky thing up, driving it back over to my house, and unloading it. After it was all over, I felt terrible, worse than ever - for myself. Poor poor me, my grand gift rejected, outright! Well, there goes my good feeling, replaced suddenly by a feeling of empty hollowness. My grand gift had never been anything but a burden for people with far more fundamental, pressing concerns. But maybe a teachable moment for me! A reminder to always look at other people's situation form their point of view, under all circumstances, including gift giving. Maybe we could all shorten the "regifting" lines a bit. Through it all, may our hearts remain ever open and our generous impulses intact!

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