Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Seeking Substitutes For Stardom

THE FARTHER REMOVED you get from the nineteen thirties, the more American grownups you see thinking of Shirley Temple as a brat in need of a butt smack, and less the adorable starlet. She wore a bit thin by World War Two, and got out while the getting was still good. She knew better than to try to parley her kiddie cuteness into a serious acting career in the adult world. Everybody has to deal with it differently. Ron Howard simply kept going; turning into a gooe adolescent actor, and a good grown up actor, then, a great director and producer when his acting ability reached its limit. Others have flamed out prematurely, and vanished. The dilemma is eternal. You come into this world, and the moment you become aware of it, and your place in it, your "place" is at the pinnacle of the sociological pyramid, as measured by fame, wealth, and amount of constant attention accorded by the rest of the race. Then comes the big let down, teh cold turkey. From top, to middle of the pack. That gnawing desperation to get back under the spot light, to retain or reclaim the fame, status, attention, adrenalin. Any fundamental human need on the Mazlow chart, among which are social status and value to others, suddenly ripped out from beneath, and the organism has heap of adjusting to do. Shirley Temple did it by going about her business, with marraige and family, and a career, in politics and diplomacy. Smart move for her; regular appearances before very important people at very important social events is a sure surrogate for movie stardom. So Shirley never really had to surrender the spotlight. Now we are confronted with the transitional stage of Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus, et al. Same song, upteenth verse. Can we all help shepherd them through by bestowing a little lingering love? Perhaps a self help book for Hollywood types whose bag of trickes has run out early, and needs a suitable substitute. Shirley Temple, who died yesterday, could've written the book.

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