Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Dangerous Type of American

THE GOOD NEWS IS, the republican party has a plan to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor in America. That's what the lady Senator said in response to Obama. The Republicans have their own plan, a better plan. It consists mainly, as always, of getting government out of the way, reducing government interference, and allowing the economy to prosper on its own, naturally, without any government involvement. Government involvement in the economy, things like minimum wage, corporate regulation, and unemployment insurance, is a bad thing, and only stifles growth. Get government out of the way, get rid of Obama, and America prospers. And believe it or not, that's what they believe, or seem to believe. But you have to give these right wing crazies a little bit of credit. For the longest time they refused to admit that there was any income gap at all in America. Then, confronted with it, they acknowledged it, but said it didn't matter, that it was normal, natural, and appropiate. Now, finally, at long last, right wingers are starting to admit that this huge traditional American inequality might not be such a good thing after all. They now admit, for the first time ever, that maybe it needs to be addressed, dealt with, changed, fixed. And for them, for the right wing nut cases, that's progress. As if a minimum wage law is bad for the economy. As if huge corporations should be left alone to do as they please. As if helping people who need help, through government programs, is automatically a bad thing, even if its done efficiently and efffectively. Let the corporations do whatever they want to the environment, including dumping massive amounts of poison into it, as long as they profit, financically. After all, corporate profit is everybody's profit, in our trickle down economy. Nobody can really believe all that garbage, can they? These right wing tea party jesus guns and money types are dangerous, very dangerous, Hitlerianly dangerous, and its damned fortunate that most reasonable American consrvatives, mainstream Republicans, are afraid of them. The Republican party does not like the Tea party, thank the dear lord. We need another Boston tea party; into the drink with 'em, at least for a short swim. It might clear their heads.

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