Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ah, Humanity!

NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE, as i recollect, somebody on the internet, and it may've been a computer, for all i know, called me a "homo", because i did not respond to, shall we say, an offer, a solicitation. Permit me to explain. Iwas doing research online on the intetnet, whcih, i strongly sspect, is the best way to do such research. Lately my research has whown me that there is indeed a good deal of pornography on the internet, with a lot of people participating, as subects, or viewers, all, presumably, willing. At least in the pictures they tend to be smiling. Many young one, too young one woulg think, and one wonders where they come from, if not mainstream american culture. They probably do not lurk on the fringes of society, out of charactier with the publically expoused values of maintstream, virtuous, if a bit hypocritical, society. Mbye we should give in, surrender, concede that capitalism has trumped christian virtue and values in teh modern world, and move on. Eh/ That seems to be what (the new) Pope Francis is doing, by asserting in a speech that the catholic church needs to stop obsessing about sex, and think about imitating jesus, i.e., helping people. Go Pope! IN modern internetial america, if you happen to stumble upon a dating site on the internet, receive an "offer", and co not accept immediately, you run the risk of being accused of being a "homo", that i can tell you. And just how fair is that? Is is that way in the rest of the world? IN Russian, it is, evidently, with the homophobic tyrannt Vladimar Putin making homosexuality illegal. You would thinkg be'd be beyond all that by now, by twenty thirteen, wouldn't you? May our Russian friends express to their government their dislike for bigoted laws, remindful of the third reich, remindful of stalin. The fight for equality of sexual orientation presses on, unabated! Until, some fine day, humanity will wake up and realism that sexuality, like skin color, like...everything else, is a continuuum, and not categorical. Seven billion skin colors, seven billion sexual orientations. Reality. We, with our categorical thinking, seek to simplify, and often end up obfuscating, reality. Putin, with his letter to the New York Times, so peacfuel, so reasonnable, so gentle, then, he turns around an supports the syrian government, and tortures gay people. Vladimir, vladimir, vlad..what will we ever do with you...what will we ever do with us all!

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