Friday, October 5, 2012

Best of Both Worlds

WHAT MITT BELIEVES, or says he believes, is that government should stay out of the nation's economic life, should leave people alone to make it on their own. We do not want a trickle down government, says the mittdter, wit masses of citizens craning necks upward, mouths agape, awaiting manna freom uncle sam. That stiflers freedom to pursue personal dreams, sayeth the mitt.

In other words, a great big american family, where we all contribute what we can, and are given what we need, is unacceptable. we should all make it on our own, because its more fair, and, for those who succeed, more fulfilling.

if obama were smart, which he may not be, he would stop arguing with all this, and instead agree with it. At least, agree with the hard working independent self made citizen part. Then the president might want to point out that there is really nothing in america, including socialism, which stifles freedom and personal dreams.

perhpas the city sewer system stifles one's opportunity to build and sell one's own sewer system. Oh well. Providing government (of the people) health insurance for people who can't afforf it does not, most certsainly does not, stifle freedom and the pursuit of personal dreams.

Or would anyone care to explain how it does? obamacare niehter imperils  the insurance companies, the practice of medicine, or the opportunity to earn a living in any existing medical related field.

We all want ro give everyone the freedom to succeed without government interference. In america, that's exactly what we do, always have done, and lord willing always will do. But we also like to use government as a way to help people who need it, in whatever way is effective. That's what makes america a christian country, regardless of religion.

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