The purpose of this blog is to elicit as much written thought from as many people as possible.I got my 91 year old mother to contribute. Here's her contribution:
Back to Work?
Retirement requires planning.Coming out of retirement to reenter the work force also requires preparation. Knowledge, experience, and dedication has been a part of the retirees work history. Bringing these aspects to a new job is a big asset. Since society is prone to be youth oriented, the older and the young must have cooperation and understanding. Competition may be keen but skills that are learned will reap benefits.An attitude for success brings self confidence which is vital for a stable career, and going back to work enhanced that feeling.
Not bad, mom. I had asked her to write about her career and retirement, and the fact aht she wasn't sure whether to retire or keep working. Her personal debate ended when the administration showed no interest in retaining her, and she walked away. I wanted her to deal with this as an indication of a growing problem in America: retirement, and expectations for it.
But I think she said it better than I ever could have...
Please scroll down for the other articles in today's issue of The Truthless Reconciler! Thanks
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