Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Save the Lawless Internet

THERE IS A SINISTER movment afoot to chop up the internet into pieces, and place it under the control of sovereign nations; the U.S., China, Russia, Britain, the usual suspects. It is difficult to say who all advocates this. Favorable parties and interests doubtless lurk worldwide.

You never know, one of your own neighbors could be a proponent of sovereign internet control (sic)
The main problem with this idea is the obvious one: every sovereign national government on this planet is owned and controlled by the wealthy powerful few, to the exclusion of the masses, whom the powerful few often ludicrously and falsely claim to represent.

Traditionally, of course, and the way it is right now, the internet is controlled by nobody, and thus, by default, by everybody. Thus the internet is much like the wild wild west we americans so fondly love and misremember: lawless.

Aint it grand? Who would have it any other way? The powerful few who own and control the world's governments, that's who. The people who could and would take advantage of internet regulation to profit. Corporations, for example.

It is always difficult to precisely identify the world's masters. One theory has it that the world is owned and controlled by a small, super wealthy , shadowy group called "the illuminati", which consists primarily by a few elite european and american families, with possible assistance from unsavory extraterrestrials.

Another way of looking at it is that the world is owned and controlled by something called the "fortune five hundred". Indisputably, however, there are more than seven billion human beings on earth, and at least six point nine billion of them have nothing in the way of material wealth or political power.

The internet may well be mankind's last best hope for real democracy, precisely because it is controlled by nobody, and thus, by everybody.

The ninety nine percent have nothing to gain, and much to lose, by passively consenting, through inaction, to the seizing of control and regulation of the internet - by anybody. Workers of the world unite, the internet belongs to you! 

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