Sunday, December 16, 2012

Parallel Universes.

IT WOULD BE SURPRISING if by the year 2050 we do not yet understand precisely how life originated on earth. Currently we have only a vague idea, filled with gaps, loose ends, and insufficient generalities.

By the year 2050 the seventy percent of the earth beneath the oceans will be completely mapped and explored, as the thirty percent of the surfce protruding above the sea has already been. The next exploratory challenge is to find out if there is life beyond earth, its nature and its quantity.

We now have a rather bizarre situation, twin parallel universes of human thought and opinion.There is a car wheeling around on mars, exploring. There is a search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). And there is NASA. There is what is called "mainstream empirical science".

 SETI gets less funding annually than a low quality science fiction movie. Thank the heavens for generous private benefactors. For the government, aircraft carriers come first.

Then there are the folks, millions of them, who surely must believe that all this emprical science is a frivolous exercise in blind, meaningless redundancy.These are the people for whom the question of extraterrestrial intelligence has already been answered.They (the beings from other worlds and dimensions) are here, among us, interacting with us.

They have formed a galactic federation of enlightend entities, extraterrestrial and extradimensional, and they send messages to us, beckoning us to join them, preparing us for the moment when we join them, their messages received and channled by a select priesthood of fortunate recipients. The believers.

The cynical skeptical seekers, and the believers. Those who  search, and those who already know.Those who demand physical, tangible proof, anf those who assert that the proof is in front of our faces, and who share this with us daily - in words.

Science and the religion of cosmic harmony both have a purpose, and share, ultimately, a common goal. Truth. But better not put them in the same room, or the same universe.

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