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Friday, October 15, 2021
Trump, Hogging the Limelight
DONALD TRUMP continues to hold MAGA campaign rallies, at which he repeats his election fraud lie like a vinyl record stuck in a groove. He holds campaign rallies whether or not its campaign season, whether or not he's running for office, merely because he enjoys the attention. He demands that any Republican seeking office in twenty twenty two or twenty twenty four parrot his big lie, or lose his endorsement. This is a problem for the Republicans, as many candidates and analysts are well aware. Trump simply cannot relinquish the spotlight. Here it is worth mentioning that fully one year since the allegedly "stolen" election, nary a shred of evidence to support this delusional lie has been produced for public scrutiny by anyone. And yet, Trump's support base, heavily laden with evangelical Christians, continues to repeat the lie, openly showing their separation from reality, their immorality, intellectual vacuity, and traitorous submission to their cult leader. Their politics and their religion are both bizarre, a cultish movement on the fringe of society, malignant evil which studies indicate is rapidly losing adherants. Trump's enduring mastery of the party is a problem for a political party which has become nothing other than an extremist far right gangster organization, hopelessly out of touch with mainstream America, populated by white nationalists and religious fanatics without any connecton to reality. Most members of the Grand Old Gangster Organization (G.O.G.O.) are oblivious to their inevitable future futility, but political analysts can plainly see its demise approaching. Trump will run for president in twenty twenty four expecting full party fidelity, but many other candidates will also run, attractive candidates who will tear each other and Trump to shreds, just as if they were Democrats. Tom Cotton, Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, and the current governors of both Texas and Florida, are but a few of the right wing extremists who will become appealing alternatives to Trump among those who have finally had their fill of Trump's lying and lunacy. The party of hydroxychloroquine and bleach will inevitably splinter into fragments as people make their choices between the many alternatives to Trump. All of the candidates will attack Trump, and each other, without mercy, consuming each other like vultures. As for the Democrats, they need only "stand back and stand by", as Trump famously told his Proud Boys terrorists friends to do, and watch the show, popcorn in hand. They will find it easy to make the case that staying the course with a government controlled by the Democratic party under Biden, a party committed to fighting climate change and striving actively for economic and social equality, is by far the preferrable alternative to the Republican freak show. To oppose Trump, one need only repeat his own words verbatum, and talk about his behavior, focusing on his dlection lie and attempt to overthrow the government, with emphasis on the fact that a majorty of America's Republicans and conservatives generally avidly supported the treasonous attempt, and still do, many of them still holding political power. Always, quote Trump. Always, remind the voters of his actions. No name calling is necessary. And, by all means, America's sane, progressive moral majority, wanting to be rid of the Trump movement and this freakish version of the Republican party once and for all, must constantly remind us all of the fervor with which a vast majortiy of its members stood beside Trump through all the criminality, lunacy, and traitorous behavior,, and still do.
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