Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Facebook Feeding Frenzy: Blowing the Whistle On Facebook

THE WHISTLEBLOWER reveals that Facebook, Inc., places corporate profit above public safety, health, and wellbeing. Unable to believe its ears, its idealistice bubble burst, disillusion with its former corporate icon sweeps across the intellectually flat Earth, sending it into paroxyms of despair. That Facbook values almighty dollars more than life itself places it solidly within the mainstream corporate culture, aside tobacco companies, alcoholic beverage distributors, fossil fule companies, and, ultimately, every private enterprise, big and small, worthy of the description "capitalist". The whistleblowing lady, konwn here as "St. Francis", who burst the Facebook bubble is a former employee of social media concerns Pinterest and Google, an expert on how algorythms are used to structure content on social media platforms to best manipulate the consuming pulbic into greater levels of consumption. Her latest stint at Facebook, now concluded, probably ends her career in social media (Who would hire her now?). She knows her way around the internet and the corporate establishemnt, including the boardroom, and the human mind, including its darker proclivities, its least altruistic motives. To a point, we all know about the human mind's less admirable characteristics, us all being possessed of them. She says she had a crisis of conscience, just could not take it anymore, and spilled the beans. The beans being a treasure trove of internal company documents, consisting of research studies conducted by the company, which produced self incriminating documents indicating that their product does harm to people massively, that their executives have long known this to be the case, studies which to date the giant platform has shown no indication of acting upon nor even caring much about, other than to accept as necessary expedients to ..yes...more and more profit.. Facebook, it turns out, actually and actively encourages hatred, conflict, divisiveness, disinformation, all for the purpose of satisfying humanity's natural preference for entertaining itself with evil rather than good. The journalists to whom she gave out this damaging information were circling like vultures awaiting such a feast, always eager to promote their own careers by exposing corporate scandal; now they have it. We the consuming public share their lust for fresh meat, and now that we have it, are feasting gluttonously, as usual. Capitalism, an economic system we in these United States venerate to the point of elevating to a religion, is not an economic system which cares about people, other than to use them as tools to greater corporate prosperity. It cares only about money, to which people are mere expedient resources. That, seemingly, is the way we want it, otherwise we would do as Europe does and ameliorate corporate savagery with the salve of democratic socialism. Or maybe its just that we Americans foster and harbor massive delusions about capitalism, and have brainwashed ourselves into believing that free market cut throat ecoomics is implicit in the central message of Jesus Christ, Inc...We sanction exploiting unto others because in reality we want exploitation done unto us, or something like that. Any and all corporate compassion for human beings is either purely accidental, or a pubic relations ploy intended to convey precisely the impression of compassion, and, apparently, it has worked like a veritable charm. Socialism does not hinder capitalism, rather, it prevents it from devouring itself in its brutality unto others. Bear in mind that until the industrial revolution came to America late in the nineteenth century, and with it the corporate mastery of our lives and economy, the word "capitalism" was a dirty word, caonnoting greed and money lust, which, of course, is precisely what it is, and always has been. And, Rolling Stones-istically, have some sympathy for the current devil of the day, Facebook, some courtesy, some respect. For it was created by, and is nurtured by, none other than you and me.

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