Seeking truth through diverse,openminded expression,explaining america to the world
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Surviving the Supreme Court
TAKE COVER and HUNKER DOWN, the United States Supreme Court, ultra right wing by insidious design, is in full session, ready to do heavy damage to to the hopes and dreams of progressives all across the fruited plain. Look for the court to invite deadly firearms to be borne anywhere any everywhere by any and all hitherto law abiding self defending citizens, for the Jeffersonian-Madisonian impermeable wall separating church and state to spring a few leaks and possibly to come totally a tumblin' down, and for reproductive choice autonomy to be handed over to the federal government, lock, stock, and womb. Ditto for the power of the several states to make it as hard as humanly possible for an engaged citizen to actually cast a vote. In other words, we may anticipate that the deliberately conservatively picked and packed high court will do its job precisely as its benefactors, the court packing conservative movement, intended, which is to remake America in the image of the conservative far right agenda. Within the past month four of the six conservative justices have given speeches in which they swore up and down that they had no intention of being influenced in their decision making by their own personal political ideologies, but rather, were determined to be guided only by their personal judicial philosophies, which after all all members of the bench must ultimately be, and by the constitution itself. In other words, watch out. These right wingers know full well why they were appointed in the first place, and it isn't because they as individuals stand head and shoulders above the rest of the judicial legal community in achievement, integrity, or judicial perspicacity, which they most assuredly do not. It is because they are young, fit, and very, very conservative in their personal politial beliefs, period. The youth and fitness will keep them on the court for decades, precisely as intended. Knowng full well for what purpose they were elevated to the nation's highest court, and knowing the highly questionable reasoning involved therein, they seem all to be determined to deny this reality, to dispell once and for all the mere suggestion that they will accede in any way to their benefactor's wish that they comply with the wishes of those who appointed them and do the bidding of the conservative movement, namely, to remake America in the image of the far right. And therefore, that is exactly what they intend to do, to remake America in the image of the far right, in their own personal image, while retaining plausible deniability during the process. These are hard right ideologues in black robes, and now they have their long awaited and long coveted opportunity to do exactly what they want, which is to undo decades of social progress in America, to turn back the clock, to enshrine the rights of citizens to bear arms, buy elections, and insinuate the Christian religion anywhere and everywhere, but not to vote with ease or to choose reproductive options. Its senough to make any sane concerned citizen want to hit the streets in protest, hunker down and hide, or abolish the current Suupreme Court and rewrite the consitution to provide for a popularly elected Supreme Court, with each member serving a limited term. Or maybe all three, come to think of it.
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