Friday, October 22, 2021

America's Moronic Minority, Gathering Together

THE EVENT IS SCHEDULED to take place this weekend, in Nashville, Tennessee, a perfect venue, all things considered. Country and Western music is more popular in Nashville than classical music, and that in itself sings volumes. Also, the great much too late state of Tennessee is among the nation's most derelict in getting folks vaccinated against Covid 19, which also speaks volumes, because the gathering is of America's unvaccinated anti-vaxxer community, assembling for the apparanty sole purpose of reassuring itself that its members are doing the right thing, that they are correct in believing that the vaccine is far more dangerous and harmful to human health than that little old flu bug which has killed a paltry seven hundred and thirty five thousand Americans and counting, and that it is their sacred mission and duty, while they are still living, to promote freedom and liberty and indivudual responsibility and by so doing to make America great again, like it once was when there were no vaccines and any old flu bug could kill hundreds of thousands of Americans, as happened in the last great pandemic, the 1918 flu kill off. They are fighting for the freedom to die from Covid 19, but not before they spread it to thousands of others, for good measure. An added feature is that the gathering of the unvaccinated personal liberty lovers is taking place in a large room in which they will be meeting for hours, plenty of time to spread the word and the virus. Masks are optional, but strongly discouraged, of course; the virus must br given a fair chance. Social distancing is impossible, since it will be far more important to this moronic minority to exercise personal freedom and cram as many nut cases into the same room as possible, which of course will create another super spreader event, as effective as any Donald Trump campaign rally or motorcycle week end monstrosity rally of right wing extremists. The speaker's list has not been fully finalilzed, but will almost certainly include America's number one anti-vaccination maniac, the notorious Robert F. Kennedy Junior, whose father might well be turning over in his Arlington national Cemetary grave, or at least shaking his head and rolling his eyes, thinking, in his Boston accent: "wheah in thah hell did I go wrong?" Maybe hydroxychloroquine and bleach and Lysol salespesonnel will be moving up and down the jam packed isles, hawking cures. Anti-vaxxers will not be the only alternative paradigm nut cases in attendance. All manner of conspiracy theory purveyors wil also attend, hoping to expand the congregation of believers by adding folks most likely to be amenable to nonsense. Surely Q Anon will have representtives there, and maybe a booth, as well as the world illuminati world financial control crowd, extraterrestrial infiltrators of the Federal Reserve enthusiasts, and all the rest of the usual suspected mentally ill. A veritable cross pollination of the various types of mentally disengaged wackos. That's all we need now; more people converting to fantasy, and exiting reality. The terrifying thought is that these intellectually dangerous types may soon not be relegated to minority status.

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