Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Cost of Inequality

ONE IN FIVE americans sometimes goes hungry, in a country with food overflowing. During obama's presidency the number of people on food stamps has tripled. as we recover, slowly, from the great recession, the recovery is going to the wealthy, not to the poor. the middle class continues to shrink, globally, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer and more numerous, globally. Greatest gap between the rich and the poor in human history, right here and now. a new book "Average Is Over", which is brilliant and worth reading, predicts that the great economic inequality will only get greater, as the middle class disappears, and the world polarizes between a growing ruch and a growing poor class. As if our modern society, in future years, will magnify current economic trends which create a super rich and a super poor class, globally. Not a pretty picture. and if this is true, if the future america and the future world is a place where a large wealthy class and a large poor class squeeze out the middle class altogether, then you're gonna have a war between the rich and the poor, brother, and don't doubt it for a second, and don't forget it. Because its a dead certainty. Like the american civil war, where you have two entirely different ways of life and economic systems, each seeking dominance, each wary of the other, devolving into war. The rich and the poor are going to be close to each other, in contact with each other, no matter how hard they may try not to be. And the friction, the tension, is going to build, and build...till it explodes into violence, probably on a massived scale. Consider Syria, right now, and be warned. We can either change directions, and begin to cooperate, and work together, and share, and equalize...or we can continue in the same direction we are now going,social darwinism, and end up killing each other.

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