Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Occupy the World

At the U.N. the U.S.A., some Arab countries, and France are talking about changing the government in Syria, where thousands of people are literally dying for democracy. Russia, an ally of the current Syrian government, can and will veto any strong action.Hillary Clinton and her colleagues are interested in finding a way around Russia.

The real heros are the brave people of Syria, as well as the brave people all over the Arab world who gave us the inspirational "Arab Spring".

Superficial contact with large numbers of people, like in a crowded public place, can be unnerving. All the other people seem strange, defensive, brutish. Everyone feels defensive. It is those rare occasions when large numbers of people unite for a common, noble purpose that one feels the joy of mass empathy, the joy of unity with one's fellow humans, the joy of connectedness.

Ah, that glorious moment when the home team prevails!

Ninety nine per centof the people on this planet have little wealth and even less power. The other one per cent has most of both, and this is a fact, not an invitation to class warfare.

The invitation to class warfare is right here: Ninety nine per centers unite, Occupy Wall Street, and Occupy the World!

New articles appear frequently. Please scroll down for the other articles in this issue of The Truthless Reconciler! Thanks!

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