Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Purging Trump

LIVE AND IN LIVING COLOR, tens of millions of Americans witnessed the prevaricating president of the United States stand before an angry, violent, well armed mob, its anger deliberately stoked by the prevaricator in chief, and commit what is among the most severe and heinous crimes against constitution and country, incitement to insurrection. "Go to the capitol and fight like hell" were his exact words. This is precisely what the violent mob did. The result was that seven people were killed and dozens more, many of them police officers, sustained permanent debilitating injuries. Every act performed by a person or a people is, due to varying perspectives, subject to interpretation. Bias is always present. History is subjective, not objective. Historians always have axes to grind. Thus, the unending complexities, difficulties, and frustrations of historical scholarship. Trump supporters have offered varying explanations, all heavily biased, to the point of inanity. No bias has ever been greater, or more morally and intellectually indefensible, than that displayed by Trump supporters. The events of January 6th, 2021 was nothing other than a guided tour of the Capitol building which got slightly out of hand..It was perpetrated by Democrats, FBI agents, and extraterrestrials in disguise... Every contrived explanation is more inane than the last; all are attempts to justify and defend the indefensible. So it goes with Trump supporters, who are no more moral, honest, or worthy of respect than their cult leader, Trump himself. The ruling handed down yesterday by the Colorado Supreme Court is, on its face, a slam dunk. Trump is guilty of incitement of insurrection, and therefor, according to the U.S. constitution, ineligible to serve as president. If one witnesses a crime being committed, one needn't await a formal verdict in a court of law to conclude that a crime has been committed, and to identify the criminal. Or so it would seem. It seems probable, however, that, legally, no American citizen can be excluded from serving as president under the fourteenth amendment without first actually being convicted of so doing in a duly empowered court of law. The ruling has already been appealed by Trump's lawyers, predictably, and will undoubtedly be heard eventually by the U.S. Supreme Court, or "SCOTUS", as we like to acronym-ize. The likely resut, at least so it seem,s is that the conservative largely Trump appointed court will overturn the Colorado ruling, and restore the insurrrectionist to that state's ballot. With an expidited ruling, Trump could and probably will be back up and running in Colorado before and on election day. Similar lawsuits to the one filed in Colorado which resulted in the Colorado ruling have been filed in other states, and are pending, making their way to their state's respective Supreme Courts. If they reach similar verdicts, and if the Colorado finding is overturned by SCOTUS, the overturning will of course pertain to all the other states. However, notwithstanding our sacred American principle of presumption of innocence until proven guilty, merely being accused of and formally charged with a crime seriously taints the defendant's reputation. When Reagan Secretary of Labor Ray Donovan was exonerated of white collar crimes in 1981, as he left the courtroom, he asked, rhetorically; "where do I go to get back my good name"? Well, its far too late for Donald J.Trump to ever get back his good name. His "good name', if it ever existed, has long since been tarnished, soiled and besmirched beyond any possible cleansing. That has had no impact upon his cult MAGA following, who revere him all the more with each of his heinous words and deeds, like Jesse James. But among intelligent, reasonable Americans of high moral character, it certainly won't help his reputation, and may, if karma adheres, cost Trump the election, and result in his eventual incarceration.

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