Tuesday, December 12, 2023


MAN IS A SOCIAL ANIMAL, spake Aristotle, presumably referring equally to woman. Imitative creatures that we are, not only do artistic and clothing styles spring into being and proliferate throughout culture; words and phrases do too. It is what it is, so to speak. Whatever. Enter the oft overused word "amazing". Nobody, said Goethe, is fortunate enough to avoid praise and blame. Amazingly, sometimes we find other people praiseworthy, and the qualifier of current choice is "amazing". You look amazing. This food is amazing. Amazing this, amazing that. We all have "issues", another word of popular choice. Einstein said that either everything is a miracle, or nothing is. Cogito ergo sum, everything is either amazing, or nothing is. Assume, for the sake of argument, that some things are more amazing than others. Here's an example: Less than one year before the next American presidential election, former president Donald Trump, insurrectionist supreme, recipient of no fewer than ninety one felony indictments, currently leads in polling by a forty seven to forty three percent margin over incumbant Joe Biden. It has been said by astute political observers that this means nothing. Maybe, maybe not. It does in fact mean something - It means that Biden is very unpopular, that his accomplishments are being ignored, that he is being blamed for economic inflation which as actually caused by a pandemic, and it means that we the American people, though at times wise, are at this point burdened with an electorate half of which is either morally bankrupt, intellectually vacuous, or both. Adding to the irony is that the pandammic of 2020 and 2021, which is actually ongoing, was exacerbated by Trump, whose recommendations that folks afflicted with Covid 19 cure it by ingesting bleach, horse pills, or...whatever. Trump doubtless hadn't and hasnt the foggiest awareness that by facilitating the premature deaths of upwards of a million Americans, he was, presumably unintentionally, enhancing his chances of returning to the presidency. Wonders never cease, as we like to say. Everything is a miracle. Itis utterly beyond the comprehension of any reasonable person how an American president can be impeached twice, refuse to acknowledge his loss in his attempt at reelection, motivate millions of his supporters to do the same, then organize in detail a violent attempt to reverse the election results,overthrow the government, remain illegall in power. Two weeks prior to the twenty twenty election, Trump told his daughter, according to his daughter, "No matter what happens in the election, well just say that we won. Fuck it". Again, the planning was precise and thorough, including that thousands of supporters would be summoned to Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021, the day of certification of the electoral college, would be well armed,and would be sent to the Capitol by Trump to, as he said: "fight like hell". "Turn the metal detectors off", said Trump."They aren't here to hurt me." Of the more than twelve hundred convicted of rimes for participating in the insurrection, all twelve hundred maintain to this day that they did it because they thought the president wanted the to. In fact, he did. P.T. Barnum, a hustler nearly on lar with /trump, said: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people". Nobody ever did. Everything is a miracle. Seven people died during the Trump's insurrection. It is a miracle that more than forty perent of the American people evidently approve of their demise.

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