Monday, February 1, 2016

Denying the Laws of Nature

I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND how anybody could possibly, honestly disagree about the amount, approximately, of carbon in the atmosphere. It can be measured, anywhere, anytime, by anybody. We all agree on that, right? Nor can we disagree about the accuracy of our beloved periodic table of the elements, that bastion of scientific organization and convenience. Praise Mendeleev! We all, every last one of us, agree on the number of chemical elements, their arrangement, and their chemical properties. Properties such as weight, size, and coefficient of thermal retention and expansion. We all agree on the basic laws of physics and chemistry, the three laws of thermodynamics, the three law of motion, etc. Every chemical element ha a different mass and weight, and the greater the mass, the more heat energy the element absorbs, and the more slowly it releases heat back into its environment. We also all agree on how much carbon was in the atmosphere, approximately, two hundred years ago, one hundred years ago, and now, and how much of the increase, roughly, has been due to human activity. So, um, how can anybody possibly believe that climate change, man made, doesn't exist? The only possible answer is pure, raw emotion. A desire to cling to existing belief systems, regardless of their falsehood, and refusal to accept new paradigms based on empirical proof. If we want badly enough to retain our fossil fuel capitalistic economic system, simply deny any need to replace it. Climate change quite clearly tells us that we need to change, fundamentally, the way we do things. Sustainable, renewable, safe energy sources, and all that. Why deny it? Why? If you have a vested interest in keeping the old system and refusing to accept the new one, deny the need to change it. In order for man made climate change to not exist, the laws of nature would have to be different from what we all know them to be. That's how serious this denial is.

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