Thursday, February 13, 2014

The United States of America, Accumulation, & Poverty

FREE ENTERPRISE, LIKE CHRISTIANITY, sounds like a good idea; maybe we should give it a try. We never really have, in these United States. Slavery is not free enterprise. (nor is it Christianity, is it?) Neither is indentured servitude, slave labor wages, or corporate oligarchies. Wouldn't it be nice in America, if just one, only one, of our major economic sectors, say, insurance, medicine, or oil, were competitive, rather than corporate oligarchial. There is no real competition in any of the industries named above; isntead, the handful of huge corporations which dominate each of them conspire, if only tacitly, for their mutual benefit. And why not? Under the circumstances, you and I would do exactly the same thing. But wouldn't it be great, to have real capitalistic competition america....The cable TV industry is no different than any other. There is no competition, there is only a handful of super huge corporate players, forming an effective monopoly. It just got worse: Comcast is buying Time-Warner cable, for something in the neighborhood of forty two billion bucks. Now our cable television bills will go up even more, as we the people have ever less power of choice to do anything about it. Our only remaining choice is televisionlessnes, and its been proven effective, in promoting a more intelligent lifestyle. These sixty dollar smartphone and television bills might start to weigh heavy on the poorer half of the American people. In America, even people on food stamps and unemployment insurance, or disability have cell phones and big screen TVs, but, after all, this is America. Soon the teeming American poor might have to do without, and live like the truly poor in truly impverished countries. The United States, which looks more like a third world country every day, is closing the gap between itself and Haiti.

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