Monday, May 20, 2013

The Kings of Hyprocisy

POOR POOR LITTLE tea party, that shrinking right wing of the right wing of the ultra conservative grand ole party. How utterly devastating, that the internal revenue service would dare to examine such patriotic people a bit too closely. Pass the kleenex boys, and let's all have a good cry.

Because they are lily white, because they are that somehow strangely compatible mix of christian and capitalist, their cause is of the most urgent nature, their torment more severe than anyone else's who gets inspected by the IRS, and their protestations more vociferous.

They protest vehemently against rendering unto caesar, because the very thought of giving unto the poor irks them mightily, and what taxation they do approve they would use for the purpose of beating plowshares into swords.

One can live in a glass house if one's nose is clean, if one's affairs are in order, without fear of persecution after examination, and hell, one might be albe to even cast a few stones if one has the courage to stick one's head out of one's home, for a fraction of a moment.

Martin Luther King; now there was man whose group was really mistreated by the feds. When the FBI audiotapes your sexual sessions, you are really being mistreated by your own government. German Shepherds and high pressure water hoses were perhaps a shade more difficult to endure than nosy paper pushing bureaucrats. 

Never a wimper was heard by america's white christian conservatives in protest of these abuses. But let a little paperwork get out of hand, and it really hits the fan. The ACLU has been bombed and shot. War protesters have been mugged and clubbed. Tea party types scarcely twitched the pinkies extending from their cups.

But a little over zealous scrutiny from desk bound caffeine addicts? round 'em up and lock 'em up! Call out the national guard! Impeach Obama! Methinks the kings of hypocrisy protest a tad too much

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