THE TEASER HEADLINE on the aol homepage screamed "barbara bachman makes stunning announcement!" Composing yourself for anything, perhaps an alien abduction, murder-suicide, or worse, you click on the link, because you have to in order to read the rest of the article.
And then it turns out that the lady conservative congress person from minnesota and former brief candidate for president says that she will not run for reelection in 2014.
Her 2012 tea party presidential bid fizzled, she is losing popularity in her relatively republican minnesota congressional district, and there are investigations ongoing concerning her failed presidential campaing, and its financing, so , it s good time for her to get out of politics. But..scarcely a day goes by without some politician crashing and burning, yet, good ole aol hyped her departure, as "stunning".
as if that's supposed to be the "stunning" announcement. As if members of the U.S. house of representatives don't decide to call it quits every day, which they do. Four hundred and thirty five members, somebody is always coming and going. Best of luck to you, representative bachman, but, really your announcement was not particularly "stunning". Considering the hyperbolic banner, one would at least have expected an alien abduction, or some juicy-nasty tabloid style scandal.
But that's the way the american media works, isn't it? Lead 'em on, get 'em hooked, pause for several minutes of lucrative messages from our sponsors, then we'll be right something or other. <yawn>
The internet outfits, aol, msn, and all the rest of 'em have picked right up on this long standing, and blatantly dishonest standard american solicitation technique. HEY! Listen to this! The world is ending! details forthcoming.... OK, got cha. Now, in just a mere minute, after one more commercial, or with the click of a link, you will be given the complete entree, having tasted the irresistibly tantalizing appetizer.
Always looking for greener hills, we easily seduced american-humans. Just over there, it only gets bigger and better. Barnum & Bailey would be right proud to witness the explosion of promotional techniques on display in the early twenty first century. Bait n switch. Lure and sell. Go get 'em, slugger, the market's wide open, and the suckers are standin' in line, just a waitin' for more.
And we always click, always wait, always stay on our leashes, wading through the ads, because we just cannot resist the allure, nor do we want to, we who are spoon fed as much garbage as our masterful madison avenue corporate media masters can shovel into us, as much a we want, as much as we can consume, and more. It was P.T. Barnum who really understood the game, and said "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the american people."
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