Thursday, October 11, 2012

Shallow Politics, Shallow Electorate

SO MITT ROMNEY "won" the first debate with obama, according to two thirds of the country, and according to obama himself, who has even allowed himself to make fun of his own performance. Romney won because he did a better job of looking straight into the camera, spent less time looking down at his notes, looked fit, tan, and fresh, and sounded more energetic.

And because of this, he apparantly moved up in the polls hugely, and will perhaps be elected president of the united states - because of his alleged superior performance in the first debate, which it is claimed, makes a greater impression on likely voters than subsequent debates.

While in truth, both candidates did exactly what politicians always do, they uttered bland, rhetorical platitudes, really saying very little, merely trying to sound good, positive, optimistic.

In 1960, the first time a presidential debate was on national television, kennedy was believed to have defeated nixon because kennedy wore make up, nixon did not, and nixon developed, during the debate, a thin line of perspiration above his upper lip under the glaring heat and light of studio lights.

those who listened to the kennedy - nixon debate on radio were almost all convinced that nixon had won the debate, had won  because he had better points and arguments to make. But kennedy won the election, barely, possibly because dead democrats miraculously voted in chicago, possbily because the nation saw perspiration on nixon's upper lip, and no make up.

Kennedy was our first president to be elected on account of being handsome. Since mitt and obama are both quite handsome, its a knock down drag out to the very end.

Is the united states of america really a nation in which people are elcted president because they purchase more advertising than the opponent, and because they look better on camera. So it seems.

In today's world thomas jefferson and abraham lincoln would never have a chance, never even get off the starting block. And until we eliminate money from politics, and abandon our cultural obsession with pretty people, people like jefferson and lincoln will never be elected again.

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