Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Desperate Last Minute Tactic

ITS ABOUT TIME for president obama to bring in his closer, and wrap up this election. A "closer" of course, is either a salesperson who finalizes a sale, or a pitcher who finishes baseball games. Either way, its that time for the prez. He's up, the deal's in the bag, all he needs to do is cross the i's, dot the t's, seal the deal.

That's why the republicans are raising holy hell about now. Trying to barge in at the last moment to steal the customer, upset the deal, sending up pinch hitters to try to get people on base, and turn the game around late.

After romney got caught denigrating and insulting half the american people, something had to be found to make obama look bad, real bad. And how surprising, they did just that. In a speech obama gave in 2007, at mostly african-american hampton college, in virginia, shortly after hurricane katrina devastated new orleans.

For days afer the city flooded, people, all black, were sitting on top of houses, thousands of them surrounded by deep turbulent water, waiting for help which came way too late in the generally chaotic and disastrous relief effort by the federal government (FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency).

At the time of this disaster, watching these poor black  people every day on television, we started to wonder, you had to wonder, if the situation would have been the same if the stranded victims were white. You had to at least wonder about that. I did, we all did. Even in passing.

At that point obama, then a rising political star, asked the question we were all asking, justifiably. And he did it in front of a crowd of african-americans. So, now, five years later, the republicans think they might have a last desperate chance to make obama look bad enough to lose the election.

it won't work. It is perfectly obvious that rich man romney looks down on at least half the american people. And its also obvious, to anyone who remembers hurricane katrina, that asking slow rescue efforts of black people made perfect sense at the time, and it makes perfect sense now.

Mitt needs to think of something better. Its his campaign to win or lose.

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